Sunday, February 22, 2015

Exploring Problem Solving With Software, Apps, and Games

1 comment:

  1. You share some interesting information about gaming and software, etc in your infographic. Ideally, you would have embedded it rather than just linked it, but I know it is sometimes difficult to find the embed code. Sometimes, it is helpful to look at the site's "HELP" page or sometimes you can just google it (or you can ask me!). Picktochart is best used as a true infographic with data being shown with graphics, but glad you tried it and were successful in getting in some text.

    Although any subject/content would benefit from the use of gaming software, I do believe that it is most welcome in Math. Part of that is due to the the 'drill'-like nature of many mathematical concepts and part is due to the high number of students who are disengaged. Like your focus on APPs for math, too. I think we need to continue to keep the search process efficient, so the APP alternative is worth a look.
