After researching how tablets should be used in a classroom setting, I then found on page 8 an interesting paragraph that generically explains technology-based libraries. This caught my eye because while I was observing classrooms at my old middle school, I walked by what used to be the library to see that the entire library was filled with computers. Over the years, my old middle school decided to make the library a computer room so all the students could access their books on the computers. Unfortunately the textbook does not go into depth about technology-based libraries so I decided to do some research as well. I came across a website that explained how a school in Colorado wants to expand their library to be more technology based. In this journal it explains how expanding school libraries helps the students to continue to explore and reinvent the purpose of the library. At first when I walked into my old middle school I was shocked at the fact how there were no physical books but as I talked to all of the teachers I realized how much learning the students absorb. There are so many programs that the schools can put into these computers so that all of the students can interact with each other and collaborate with one another. I also found this video on youtube that gives some examples of how technology can be used in a library however, this video can also relate to tablets as previously stated in my last paragraph. Having tablets and building technology-based libraries will only help the students in their learning capacities. With this technology students are able to access all of their knowledge and all of their questions that need answers right at their fingertips.
Although technology is so important to learning I found on page 12 the must-have technology for teachers. Michael Flynn who was a Teacher of the Year and winner of a Presidential Award listed laptop computer, an interactive whiteboard, a student participation system with clickers, an iPad and a smartphone. All of these above can really increase the engagement and interaction between students. In a survey of high school teachers the majority of them stated that the technology above is needed in a classroom setting. This concludes that all grades and all ages can benefit from such technology. An interactive white board caught my eye because just over these last few years I saw more and more classrooms with this type of white board. During my College Algebra class, he uses this interactive whiteboard. As explained in this video, you can save what you have written which is an amazing aspect with this whiteboard. Instead of writing on the board and then erasing it or showing notes over the projector while sitting at your desk, this whiteboard allows you to save your notes in case you have multiple classes but also allows you go engage with your students. The students can come up and white on the board, the interactive whiteboard can also make noises and show pictures. Before I read this section in the book and before I realized how important these gadgets are in the classroom setting. Engaging the students and drawing them in is so important, without the students interested in learning there is no active learning.
Tablets vs. Textbooks - (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from http://tablets-
Creating a School Library Makerspace: The Beginning of a Journey | Tech Tidbits. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from
Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc
Videos: From Youtube